By purchasing gear from Hilltop Packs you must agree to these terms and conditions.
- Do your best to abide by "Leave No Trace" principles.
- Never leave camp fires unattended.
- You agree to smile more.
- You agree to be more awesome tomorrow than you were yesterday.
- Call your loved ones more.
- Stop forgetting birthdays
- Take more risks.
- You promise to to uncomfortable things.
- Replace bad habits with good habits. Or rabbits.
- Do more of what you love.
- You agree that Die Hard is in fact a Christmas movie.
- Don't hold grudges.
- Get your passport. Even if you never use it.
- Be curious.
- Make mistakes.
- Make more mistakes.
- Be ok with it.
- Be grateful.
- Learn to climb trees.
- Go on a hike. Soon.
- You agree to visit Hilltop Packs next time you are near Waynesburg, PA.
- Stop worrying about what everyone thinks.
- Focus on the present.
- Buy a plant. Or don't. But, go look at plants and maybe buy one. Or not.
- Text a friend.
- Help a stranger.
- Dream.
- Travel local. There is more to see than you realize...
- Forgive easy, love hard.
- Support local business.